Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Have a Very Jerry Christmas Anyways - Weekly Trivia!

This week I challenged you to identify the famous person who does NOT have a birthday on Christmas Day, and only one person guessed the correct answer: Mr. Ice Cream himself, Cherry Jerry Garcia.

I'm a Leo, y'all, can't you tell from my mane?
Whoever guessed the right answer, be sure to declare yourself in the comments for the proper widespread recognition you deserve!

This week I'm sticking with the holiday theme. As some of you may be aware, we're going to hit the year 2012 A.D. in just a few days, and if the movie was any indication, it's going to be bloody awful. Hopefully real life doesn't match the events in the movie, but I find it hard to believe that the director of a movie with the historical accuracy of 10,000 BC would steer us wrong.

To ancient man, dogs are the new woolly mammoth.
The question: What ancient culture is responsible for predictions that a doomsday or transformative event will occur in 2012?
  • Egyptian
  • Incan
  • Seminole
  • Puebla
  • Mayan

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